Capital Investment to Establish Manufacturing Entity of B A (Bright Annealed) Tubes
Capital Investment to Establish Manufacturing Entity of B A (Bright Annealed) Tubes [PDF:105KB]
We have changed our company name to KOBELCO STEEL TUBE.
New website launched!
Next Generation Education and Support Plan Formulation
[Private Sector Employer Action Plan] -
Corporate Code of Ethics revised [Corporate Ethical Principles]
Equity Participation by CEZUS(France)in Zirco Products
Zirco Products : a jointly owned company of Sumitomo Metal Industries,Ltd.
and Kobe Special Tube Co.,Ltd.
CEZUS : The world's largest maker of mother tube
for the zirconium cladding tube. -
Next Generation Education and Support Plan Formulation
[Private Sector Employer Action Plan] -
ISO14001 Certification
ISO14001:Environmental Management System -
JISHA OSHMS Certification
OSHMS:Occupational Safety and Health Management System